6 tips for boosting motivation

Finding the time, energy and motivation to train can be a real challenge. These simple suggestions will help spur you on and keep your fitness efforts on track.


1 – Set specific goals

Having something to aim for is critical. Without a target, it’s easy to lose interest, especially if you’re training by yourself. This could be anything from losing a certain amount of weight to signing up for a Tough Mudder or a Back in the Game event.


2 – Think about the bigger picture

Having a higher purpose beyond your short-term goal can make a big difference. Whether it’s being fit enough to run around with your kids, having more energy to be a better husband or just trying to live a longer, healthier life for the sake of your loved ones, the emotional pull will be a powerful motivator.


3- Make yourself accountable

Once you’ve set your goal, be sure to turn it into a ‘social contract’ by sharing it with your friends, family and work colleagues. That way it won’t just be you that you’re letting down if you don’t follow through with it.


4- Enlist help

Training with others can provide vital camaraderie and support. Whether that’s joining a training community, playing for a five-a-side team or taking part in group workouts, you’ll definitely enjoy the benefits of strength in numbers.


5 – Accept real life 

There will always be situations where you can’t avoid falling off the wagon, from a friend’s birthday drinks to an indulgent meal out with the family. Don’t let these scenarios derail your progress or dampen your enthusiasm. Real life happens, and that’s absolutely fine – provided you stay disciplined the rest of the time.


6 – Form sustainable habits

It’s easy to get carried away when you first start training or eating healthily. But taking on too much too soon can quickly sap your energy and enthusiasm – not to mention increase your likelihood of falling off the wagon or getting injured.

Instead, focus on making small but sustainable changes that can turn into long-term habits. This could be as simple as doing an hour of mobility training a week, or reducing the amount of alcohol you drink.


What you need to know about mobility


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